DataStage logging was changed at release 8.1 to log job run detail records into the operational repository, (xmeta) rather than the local project level log files, (RT_LOGxxx) that we utilized in prior releases for each job. As a result of this change we have seen the following issues:
Job run times can increase and Information Server client applications may not be as responsive depending on the amount of log data that is generated by the jobs.
In some cases no job log entries are written to the log as viewed via the DataStage Director client or Web Console, even though jobs appear to run and in some cases job log detail entries may be missing or do not show up until later.
Job log purge operations may run slowly or fail depending on the amount of log entries.
These issues can be worked around by reverting to the logging mechanism that was in place prior to release 8.1 by implementing the following project level changes on the DataStage engine server.
Edit the project level DSParams file, typically located in:
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects/%projectName% for Linux/UNIX and C:\IBM\InformarmationServer\Server\Projects\%projectName% for Windows and modify the following 2 lines as shown to revert to pre 8.1 logging:
Keep in mind that newly created projects inherit their settings from the DSParams file that is located in /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Template/DSParams for Linux/UNIX and C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\Template\DSParams for Windows by default and that it should also be modified to ensure that new projects use the pre 8.1 logging mechanism.
After switching to RTLogging, the existing log details entries in the repository can still be viewed via the Web Console or Server Console but they will not be accessible using the DataStage Director. These log entries should be purged when they are no longer required by scheduling a background purge of the log entries; up to 10,000 at a time is suggested to minimize the memory requirements and to ensure that we do not run into WebSphere Application Server out of memory issues by trying to purge all the log entries as one task.
The following commands will schedule a task to delete up to 10,000 log entries at a time and will loop until all the DataStage entries are purged. This could take some time depending on how many log entries you have to purge. This method has the advantage in that it can be run without stopping other activities.
Use the following command line, (from the …InformationServer/ASBServer/bin directory) to create the scheduled auto purge task (replace
For Windows:
LoggingAdmin -user
For Linux/UNIX:
./ -user
After all DS log events have been purged, the scheduled task can be deleted with the following command line:
For Windows:
LoggingAdmin -user
For Linux/UNIX:
./ -user
APAR JR31806 has been submitted for this issue